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Writer's pictureMarabelle Blue

The Energies of Others – How to Protect Yourself in Jupiter Retrograde

With Jupiter in Retrograde, (October 9, 2024 – February 25, 2025), the planet enters into Gemini, which gives us the opportunity to work on our own internal development instead of seeking outside discoveries to cure our insides.

As I have always said, we are always looking for ways to improve while we must avoid and recognize how not to sacrifice our own ethics, which is never a good thing.

Remaining true to ourselves and realizing and rejoicing in our own discoveries isn’t something the world needs to be notified of; it is between you and the cosmic space.

The word “retrograde” can be considered a negative aspect, warning others, “don’t sign any documents during this time” or sign anything that may legally bind you, as the outcome may not be in your favor.

I can consider this neurotic in some ways, however, people do heed this advice, especially if it stems from past experience, like if you walk under a ladder, it’s considered bad luck.

While comedy movies have characterized these “old wives’ tales” as somewhat of a truth, sometimes it’s not all true.

What is true is who we are as humans and the ability to change behaviors that may not align with our energies.

Internal work shouldn’t just rely on the retrograde, internal work should always be part of your growth.

The flip side to that, there are many people, especially in the political stance, where their point of view is, they do not need to make any internal changes, it’s the rest of the world who needs to make changes so they can live a better life.

This is a narcissistic point of view. The world does not need to adhere to your own personal needs in order for you to feel better.

Internal work is personal work. It is the part of us we write about for self-discovery and development of the spirit. While we can share our findings with others via social media or blogs, such as this one, self-discovery should not be preserved just to share on social media for clout or recognition.

It defeats the whole purpose of finding solace with yourself and your decisions.

During this retrograde, it’s a good idea to journal your thoughts, how did you day go, was there an action or reaction you could have avoided or perceived differently.

I’ve been journalling my whole life, and I can tell you, when I read some passages back to myself, my own reactions are, “why did you do that?” or “why did you think that”.

It all depends on where we are on our journey.

Were we in a good place in our lives and did we let complacency dominate our choices? Did we mistreat someone during that complacency, forgetting once upon a time, we were there also.

Did we make choices based on low self-esteem?

The list goes on and on, point being this is all part of the internal work of self-discovery. This is work that doesn’t end and should not end. We should never arrive at a place where we say, “okay I got this, I’m good, I know everything now”.

Fear of the unknown is not allowing ourselves to live in the moment.

Fear of the unknown can have us make choices based on that fear or not make any choices at all.

Fear is ignorance. This is what most politicians use to get their way, someone like Donald Trump, who create lies about our environment so he can get what he wants which is power and control.

While we can use external ideas to help us in our journey, we must not remain ignorant to options from those external ideologies in order to strengthen our critical thinking skills and earning confidence in our choices. When we allow ourselves to listen, even to those who may not offer realistic solutions, we give ourselves the opportunity to expand our minds and retain this information, that way, if something doesn’t sit right, we recall that information and reaffirm, “this isn’t for me.”

The “dis ease” of saying no is very real for people. But to become rigid into believing something that isn’t tangible, and it has shown time and time again, it’s not working, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with humbling yourself.

Humility is the doorway to growth.

I just posted a Jupiter candle on Unlimited section, which has an array of products, including Halloween editions.

Be sure to purchase your candle and journal on Amazon – the ZenFlow Series – a great day to document your daily living.


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