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Writer's pictureMarabelle Blue

Discover Balance and Wellness with Life Coaching Reiki Healing

Updated: Jul 26

When I was studying Reiki Healing and Life Coaching, I learned stress isn't something that can't be taken away overnight. There are good stressors, as in performing a task or a project you longed to work on, and your opportunity has arrived.

The stress of desiring to do a great job is a normal reaction, because you care.

When I was studying acting in New York City, my teacher said, "when you're nervous it means you care".

At first it didn't make sense, because I thought my nerves were performing in front of an audience and will they like me.

Exactly! Because I care! This is a very normal reaction to have. You want to come across as the most entertaining character and you want your audience to remember you.

What is not normal is the type of stress to strive for perfection for a boss who doesn't care, no matter what you do, they just continue to find "inconsistencies" which aren't present.

Normally referred to as gaslighting.

This type of stress can put a strain on your mental wellbeing and how you view yourself. The world can look at you and see a beautiful, vibrant and carefree person, but deep down inside, you don't feel that way.

In my personal journey of discovery, there was a shift that took place the night I had my attunement. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and energized. Moving forward, night after night I take the liberty of performing self-reiki healing and every night is different. There are nights I fall asleep, there are times I feel very present and one time I felt the presence of my dogs Lady and Tessa who left this plane at different points in their lives.

Taking a moment for myself has been one of the most fulfilling experiences ever. Why wasn't I doing this before?


Life happens! It just does and we can't control the outcome of many things around us, but we can control our actions or how we react to certain events or people in our lives.

I've learned some of the struggles I experienced in my past, were "struggles" I took on because I thought I could fix something or someone. When I let go of the control to fix, I let go of the insanity that comes with that task.

How do you learn to find the balance of healing energy is where I can help you as I have helped many others. When I see someone smiling or feeling as though they had a weight taken off from them, they've been carrying far longer than they anticipated, I know they are on their way to better place of healing.

Taking the first step sometimes isn't easy, and placing unrealistic expectations on yourself doesn't help.

The joy is in the journey. Learn more by booking a session with me directly on the Servboxx website.

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